With a plethora of content available digitally, a network music player (or streamer) now forms the cornerstone of most HIFI systems.

Whether you connect to your own server or to the cloud, we have streaming solutions that combine musicality and functionality at all price points.  Check out some of our favourites and listen for yourself in our demonstration studio:

Linn Selekt DSM Precision-engineered and future-proof, effortlessly matching complete flexibility with simply stunning audio performance.
Linn Majik DSM The kind of music player that makes other hi-fi sound extremely ordinary. Take your first step into authentic hi-fi.
Cambridge Audio Evo 150 Just add speakers to enjoy superb high-resolution audio quality from one elegant, discreet box.
Q Active 400 system A streaming and speaker system in one, wirelessly delivering uncompromised sound that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Showing 1–9 of 15 results