Our job is simple. We’re here to help you make the best choices. Let us help you choose a HIFI solution that matches your tastes and aspirations, and one that meets your budget.
Here’s how to get the most from a visit to see us – or if we come to see you.
First things first. It’s all about the music…
So you can judge if something sounds “better” (or worse!), it helps if you have can have to hand some favourite tunes – on vinyl or CD. Or you can just choose from our extensive LP and CD collection or simply select from our streamer.
Please bear in mind that this isn’t an exact science. As people have different tastes, so different equipment will treat and present the sound in subtly different ways. Remember, if you focus on the music, you’ll stand the best chance of making an informed decision.

Next, you just need to listen…
This can be simpler than you think. Basically; if it sounds better, it is better.
Although you may be listening to a wide variety of music, one fundamental principle applies: If the timing, pitch and natural tone sound ‘right’, then you’ll be able to enjoy your music to the full.
Scottish HIFI pioneer Linn call this a Tune Dem (and you can use this on any HIFI product, not just a Linn one).
How does the Tune Dem work?
To quote Linn themselves: “Our favourite method of evaluating the musical performance, and thus the performance of the HIFI, is simply listening to the tune. Many people immediately dismiss this as being the obviously too simplistic to provide meaningful results. But, in actual practice, this is an all-encompassing technique that more clearly brings out the differences in hi-fi systems than any other method of evaluation that we have ever used.”
Everything you need to know about the Tune Dem is explained on Linn’s website. Just click this link to find out more…

Finally, show me the money…
Cards on the table here. Quality HIFI isn’t cheap. Nor is it a commodity, so a great investment now will remain a great investment for years to come.
Take a look at our suggested systems, as these should give you a good place to start from. You might be surprised how much can be achieved for a relatively modest outlay. If you’re just looking for a specific component (or components), check out our Separates listings or view products on a brand-by-brand basis.
Then, just get in touch, let us know what you want to achieve, the budget you have in mind and we’ll help you find a perfect bang for your hard-earned buck.