Linn HIFI. Ever since the iconic Sondek LP12 turntable changed the HIFI landscape back in 1973, this pioneering Scottish company continues to apply cutting-edge engineering solutions together with hand-built attention to detail; resulting in music that just sounds simply better.

The Linn philosophy can be summed up on the Linn website: “We don’t make anything unless it’s better than what’s available elsewhere. For us, ‘good enough’ isn’t good enough. We go to extremes to pursue musical perfection. When you hear the results, you’ll understand why.” In short, Linn define themselves as an engineering company that makes HIFI, and not the other way round.

We’re proud to be the Linn ambassador for the Lower South Island.  Check out our listing on the Linn website.

We have several streamer-based and turntable-based Linn systems on demonstration NOW.  Check out our demo studio to hear simply better HIFI for yourself.

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