Linn Klimax LP12 turntable


Configuration  Price 
Klimax LP12 with Machined Radikal PSU and Bedrock Plinth  $   77,995.00
Klimax LP12 with machined Radikal PSU  $   54,995.00
Klimax LP12 with normal Radikal PSU  $   49,995.00
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The Klimax LP12 turntable from Linn. Exceptional engineering, peerless motor control, Ekstatik cartridge and Ekos SE tonearm. The best turntable? Probably.

Linn’s flagship Klimax LP12 turntable offers the pinnacle of vinyl reproduction today, setting the benchmark worldwide for all other turntables on the market.

Over 40 years’ worth of research and development has gone into this latest evolution of the turntable that turned the hi-fi industry on its head back at the beginning of Linn’s journey to make better sound. Each precision-engineered upgrade has uncovered more music from the depths of the record groove.

It includes the best of Linn’s precision-engineered upgrades, and because it’s modular, you can update it whenever we release a new upgrade. A Klimax LP12 is an investment that will amaze and reward you for years to come.

If you want to know more about the Linn Klimax LP12 turntable, just follow this link to the Linn website.

For other Linn products in our range, just click here.

Comprises the following components:

  • Sondek LP12 turntable with Karousel bearing
  • Bedrok (NEW) or standard hardwood plinth
  • Keel machined sub-chassis and armboard
  • Radikal motor control unit & power supply
  • Brushed DC motor in acoustically isolated housing
  • Ekos SE precision tonearm
  • Ekstatik moving coil (MC) cartridge
  • Urika II Moving Coil phono stage built-in to suspended base.

Expert Reviews

Not only do we like this turntable, those in the know like it too.  Here’s what they have to say:

Source Date Key comment Click the link for the full review
Stereophile 2022 Has any turntable spent more years on Stereophile’s Recommended Components list than the Linn LP12?
The ear 2022 5* A genuine delight and a reminder of how much a really good record player can do for the soul.
Audio Affair 2018 Linn LP12 Turntable Shootout: Majik vs Akurate vs Klimax
What HIFI? 2017 5*  Linn’s LP12 remains one of the finest turntables around 2014 40 years young, the Klimax LP12  achieves and Audio Excellence rating from HIFI CRITIC.

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