QED Reference Audio 40 Subwoofer


QED Reference Audio 40 Subwoofer  Price 
3 metre single cable  $    249.00
6 metre single cable  $    349.00


QED Reference Subwoofer 40, the new standard for timing, accuracy and rhythm.

QED Subwoofer 40 has been designed primarily for low capacitance, as this has been identified by QED as a major factor making for a tight sound which retains the rhythm of the original piece – vital when it comes to the ‘bottom end!” Minute timing errors are ameliorated by the use of QED’s Complementary Conductor TechnologyTM combined with a special floating Zn/Mn ferrite jacket to absorb very high frequency noise signals outside the audible band. The QED AnalocTM plug design helps to control eddy currents which can also affect the micro-timing of the audio signal, maintaining high- fidelity from start to finish.

If you want to know more about the QED Profile Subwoofer cable, just follow this link to the QED website.

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